Length: 2 days.
Approximate Distance: 715 km
We only had two days for this trip so we drove straight to Hope, stopping only for gas in Merritt. It gets pretty chilly on the Coquihalla this time of year so we made a quick stop in Hope at Gords Cafe for a bowl of soup, a very delicious homemade potato and cheddar, and a coffee/tea.
It is around Yale that the Canyon starts to blow your mind….and the rain started. Rain or no rain, I signalled to Bren to pull over just after the tunnel in Yale, I needed to take some pictures. We got off the bike and climbed up a small mountain on the side of the road so we could get a better view into the canyon. It was a little steep but there are ropes you can use to help pull yourself up.I always do some research before our trips and I had read a little bit about the Alexandra Bridge so I already knew that I wanted to stop at Alexandra Bridge Provincial Park. It is a short and easy hike down to the bridge. If you love history, bridges or want to get a better view of the canyon, I would definitely recommend making the stop.
After Alexandra we stopped at Hells Gate. We didn’t think the airtram was worth the price and I had heard about being able to do a hike around the area so I asked one of the guys at the front gates and they directed us. The hike was a gravel road that switchbacked down to the canyon. It took us about 10-15 minutes to get to the bottom, running most of the way. We checked everything out, had a beer and contemplated the run/walk back up. We decided to pay the discounted price to take the tram back up…..ya know….to save time.
We grabbed a late lunch at Old Towne Inne Chuckwagon Bar and Grill in Boston Bar before heading to our cabin at Blue Lake Resort for the night.
We booked the “Loon” cabin at Blue Lake Resort for a super affordable price of $75/night. The cabin was small with a bed, table and chairs, sink, stove and fridge. It also came with a private porch, dock, canoe, bbq and fireplace. The washroom was an outhouse located behind the cabin. It was rustic and simple, we loved it, but I don’t see us going back. Even though it was off season and was quiet and enjoyable, you could tell that this place is busy in the summer. We try and avoid the busy campgrounds/resorts as much as we can. This would be a great family campground because there is so much to do.
We spent the evening fishing, walking around the property, sipping wine and sitting by the fire. Being that it was such a short trip, we were able to pack a cooler in the bike and bring our own dinner and breakfast to save money.
I love sitting around, having a few drinks and just talking with my husband. The talks where we dream, reflect, discuss ideas, make plans. Last year, on our honeymoon, Bren and I created a list of goals/dreams/bucket list items. This said list had 24 items on it. Most of them are as a couple, a few of them personal, some short term and long term. We have added some things along the way as they came up but that night we actually discussed the list in detail – adding, removing, modifying and reflecting on what we had accomplished in that year…..We had completed 10/24 items. I’m still amazed/proud/shocked. It is proven that people who write down their goals (SMART goals) are more likely to achieve them. I read an interesting study about it on Forbes <- open link to read the article.
In the morning we woke up to the fog resting above the water. I didn’t even get dressed. I jumped out of bed, grabbed a jacket and my camera, and ran out of the door. I had to go and enjoy it. I love these moments….beautiful, quiet moments. It feeds my soul, makes me feel so alive.
Before breakfast we went for a canoe ride and to do a little fishing …we didn’t have much luck on this lake, unfortunately. We packed up and check out but before we left, we went on a small hike to the lookout point that the owners told us about. It was a easy, uphill hike that took about 20ish minutes. From the top you can see part of the Whistler Mountain Range.
After the hike, it was time to hit the road. The second half of the drive from Blue Lake Resort to Lytton was just as amazing as the first. This is one of the most scenic roads we have driven so far in BC. There are also 7 mountain tunnels that you will pass through.
We stopped in Lytton for quick soup and sandwich at Lyl’Towne Deli & Sandwich Shop before making our way up to Ashcroft. We stopped again along the Thompson River for a stretch and to enjoy the beautiful views. The sun was shining and the sky was blue, the perfect day for a ride. We could see the salmon jumping in the river so we decided to stay a little longer so we could throw a rod in and see if we could catch something.
We were hoping to grab dinner in Ashcroft but they weren’t serving food yet so we quickly fuelled up and made our way to Logan Lake. The picture below is taken in front of the impoundment for the Highland Valley Copper Mine.
We arrived in Logan Lake just in time for happy hour at the Black Bull Pub. We had some dinner, played a quick game of crib and got bundled up for the last stretch back to Kelowna. We try to avoid riding at night but our extended stay by the Thompson River had us a little bit behind schedule. It was worth it this time because it was the night of the Blood Moon Eclipse so we were able to watch it all the way home.