Length: 1/2 day
Approximate Distance: 248km
October 17, 2015 was the day of our last ride of the 2015 season and probably even the last ride on our VTX1300. This spring we will be trading in our current bike for a 2016 KTM Super Adventure. This new bike is going to take our motorcycle adventures to a whole new level….and we are SO freaking excited.
We left on the Saturday morning with our friend Craig and his 1982 Yamaha Virago 920. We decided we were going to go to Oliver for lunch…the long way. We drove to Penticton and then took Green Mountain Road towards Apex. Green Mountain Road is one of my favourite local roads to go for a day ride….mountains, forests, farms, rivers and wildlife – what’s not to love?
From Green Mountain we took the 3A Highway to Twin Lakes Road and after that, White Lake Road. This portion of White Lake Road was new for us and just as good as the rest of it. There are a bunch of places to stop along the way to check out the scenery, take pictures, stretch…..if Bren let me, I would make him stop every 5 minutes so I could take pictures.
We took Willowbrook the rest of the way to Oliver, grabbed some lunch at the Firehall Bistro & Brewery, and then turned around and made our way back to Kelowna.
2015 was an amazing season. We managed to ride close to 10,000 kilometres this summer….that is farther than the Trans-Canada Highway across Canada!!!
It has been, without a doubt, one of the best summers of my life. We laughed, we explored, we got frustrated and we learned…a lot. I recently made a comment to Bren about being sad that our adventures were over but he quickly reminded me that this is our lifestyle now…it’s not over, just the type of adventures are changing. SO…We have been busy planning up some sledding trips, snowboarding trips and adventures down south, that will be sure to keep us busy throughout the winter. LET IT SNOW.