1. You can talk yourself into your dreams or you can talk yourself out of them.
2. There is so much more to success then what is measured. You shouldn’t be able to measure it, you should only feel it.
3. You can read and read and read about things but you won’t learn anything unless you do it.
4. There is a difference between pleasure and happiness. Understand the difference.
5. It is up to you to decide/define what the meaning of life is. It is different for everyone. Decide what it is for you and live that life.
6. Don’t push your way onto others and do not judge others for the way that they choose to do it for themselves.
7. Clean drinking water is a great luxury.
8. It’s right to do the right thing even if it doesn’t make a difference.
9. The only constant is change. The only certainty is there is no certainty.
10. Expectation is the cause of all disappointment.
11. There is great value in knowing when to say nothing.
12. What we think doesn’t have to be believed. It should be questioned.
13. A good example is better than good advice.
14. Don’t let life pass you by by being asleep during the simple joys, like walking down the street. It is not the quality of life that matters. It is the quality of the attention that is paid to that life that matters.
15. You are going to miss this someday so don’t miss it while it is happening. These are the good ol’days. Be here now.
16. How we spend our days is how we spend our lives.
17. Busy is a decision. Busy people feel there’s no time to change the world. If you slow down, you can see how simple it is to make a difference through a smile, a meaningful interaction, or a heartfelt thank you.
18. Love is not enough. You need many other qualities, like: compromise, patience, romance, friendship, selflessness.
19. Surround yourself with people who ASK, as opposed to try and tell you, what’s best for you.
20. Venting is the Egos way of avoiding self-reflection. Self-reflection is the first step of accountability. And is the direction people need to go in order to have an impact. Purpose in the world comes from impact.
21. Often it is those that have the least that offer us the most.
22. There is more that unites us than divides.
23. Pushing yourself out of your comfort zone – trying a new food, being the minority, not speaking the language, being uncomfortable – is a core part of why we should all travel. Some of us need to get a little more comfortable with being uncomfortable.
24. Remind yourself that you are a part of nature. Go outside.
25. Whatever I think now, I may not agree with tomorrow.
26. Everything you’re sure is right can be wrong in another place.
27. Every time you gain a greater understanding it creates even more questions than answers.
28. The worst thing you can ever do is think that you know enough. Never stop learning. Ever.
29. Everything will always be okay.

Love love LOVE these! Number 16 resonates with me. Thanks for sharing, I’ve printed these out and have put them in my book to look at often 🙂
That’s awesome!
You’ve many wise gems here. I love this one, I think about it a lot, “You are going to miss this someday so don’t miss it while it is happening. These are the good ol’days. Be here now.”
An easy one to forget sometimes!